Pre Wedding and Banquet Makeup Price

Pre-wedding Makeup (8 Hours)

HK$ 5,880

Banquet Makeup

HK$ 1,200

Banquet Makeup(With Hair Updo)

HK$ 1,800

Personal/Banquet Makeup Terms of Service

Matters needing attention before makeup service

  • The whole makeup service will last for 2 hours
  • Makeup service will host at MongKok studio
  • The minimum number of people for location service is two. We will charge for two people if there is only one customer who needs makeup service
  • Rescheduling should be notified one week before, Deposit will not be refunded if notification is less than one week, and service will count as canceled
  • Clients should notify the makeup artist if they gonna be 15 mins late for the makeup trial run or official makeup service. Service will be treated as canceled if no notification from the client and the deposit will not be refunded.

Extra Charge for Personal/Banquet Makeup

  • Text fee will be charged by actual reimbursement if makeup service is before 0900
  • For location makeup work, we will charge HKD$200 per 30 mins as a morning fee. Text fee by actual reimbursement will be charged in any time slot.
  • HKD $300 will be charged if makeup is needed below the face. (For example: Foundation apply on the neck)

Pre-Wedding Consultation

A pre-wedding consultation is recommended two to three months before your pre-wedding day. The consultation normally takes about one hour,  which is important as it gives the chance to meet both the customer and the makeup artist. We can therefore discuss the ideas for your desired makeup look and hairstyle in a relaxed atmosphere.

Finding the perfect look for your Pre-Wedding

It is always fantastic that you already have a clear idea of the makeup looks and hairstyle for your wedding day. But we are going to provide you with expert advice and guidance if you do not have any ideas.

Most brides prefer to go for a flawless but natural look that still looks like them, just a more beautiful version that is timeless, feminine, and will not date.

Get Inspired

There are multiple ways for getting makeup inspiration, browse through bridal and beauty magazines, Pinterest, and wedding websites and bring along any wedding images that you absolutely love, photos of your dress, and hair accessories that you might want to use. All these will help us to achieve the type of makeup look that you desire.

We will spend time discussing ideas and trying out different looks to find the perfect one that is tailor-made for you so you look and feel fabulous on your Pre-Wedding.